Sunday, July 21, 2019


Nearly four years ago, when Trump walked through the White House doors, I didn't think I could live through four years of this egomaniacal moron.  But, nearly three years later, here I am.  Here are we all.  We are still alive in spite of anything Trump has done or said.  We have been on the edge of war with at least two countries, including where we stand with Iran right now.  We have lost the respect of many (if not all) of our most important allies.  We have the worst crisis at our southern border that we've ever had -- not that the number itself is his fault, but the handling of those numbers most certainly is.   He has lost more members of his team than he's been able to retain, and he has evidently surrounded himself with criminals -- or at the very least, amoral people without conscience. The only positive thing I can say is that our economy is strong, and that is in spite of ongoing trade wars with China, Mexico, and Canada.  Yes, we are still alive, but we are divided, and that division could be fatal.  Although we have lived through four years (nearly) with this imbecile, I for one do NOT want to live through four more with him.  The only way we can get rid of him is to unite against him.  We cannot fall for his ploys that are designed to rally his base and divide the rest of us.  We have got to choose a candidate who can rally and unite the rest of us to vote against the maniac in the White House.  I pray to God that we can find that person!

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